How We Can Treat A Myofascial Adhesions
Severe, recurring, or chronic pain is often asign ofunderlying soft tissue adhesions that
restrict muscle contraction, and entrap blood vessels and nerve fibers.
Technique utilizing stainless steel instruments are designed specifically to detect and
effectively treat areas with soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation.
Stainless Steel Instruments or IASTM (InstrumentAssisted Soft-Tissue Manipulation)
is effective because it provides controlled micro- trauma to the affected soft tissue
structures. The Technique stimulates a local inflammatory response, which leads to
remodeling and repair of affected soft tissues. The instruments allow doctors to identify
and treat specific areas.
Provider Health - Fascia tools Takes Pressure Off Your Hands!
Treatment must be applied deep enough to be effective, but must be performed without
causing injury to the clinicians or providers. Repetitive strain injuries from over use is
a risk that increases as a provider performs mores sessions of deep tissue work with
methods similar to cross friction massage.
Many therapists like massage therapist or chiropractors may experience pain and
irritation in their hands from over treating patients. Methods like the fascia tool
approach help prolong practitioners career and create a more successful practice.
With the ergonomic handle, and easy to use grips, the fascia tool prevents excess joint
stress in the practitioner's hand.